Nov 29, 2022
Research has finally caught up to what we know as truth from the Bible. There are habits that you can incorporate into your life that can improve your resiliency or ability to bounce back from difficulties like anxiety and depression.
In this video, I offer tips on how to overcome anxiety so that you are able to see beyond the stigma or the feelings of shame and failure that often come with struggling.
Anxiety is not an identity or a failure or weakness. It’s an instinctual response to feeling threatened
Anxiety has been considered to solely be a mental health problem. But we often experience anxiety physically, emotionally and their times that are spiritual life is also impacted.
It really can affect every area of our lives and Its impacts can be damaging and longstanding.
How we look at and treat anxiety in our culture is shifting. We are quickly realizing that anxiety isn’t for a few who struggle with mental health, but we ALL struggle anxiety. Anxiety is is a human experience.
Our bodies are reacting to threats no matter if they are real or imagined. These threats can be from the fears from the past, stress in present or worries for the future. Our body and mind’s response is the same.
Anxiety is not an identity or a failure or weakness. It’s a physiological response. An instinctual response to feeling threatened and you can manage this response through intentional action. Research has shown that there are 2 ways that assist people to return to a calm state (or baseline) more quickly. These shift your responses to fear, which can prevent anxiety.
Yes, I know. It seems that the treatment for every ailment or struggle seems to be exercise. But research has found that it really helps.
When I started implementing exercise in my day by going for walks on my break I remember seeing a building in the finishing stages of construction. It was only a block away from my office, and my coworkers told me that it has been under construction for the last 3 months. I was so busy running from appointment to appointment that I didn’t even notice a major change in the neighbourhood. It was a realization of how much I had tunnel vision and didn’t notice things around me.
Releasing energy through movement lowers the tension, releases positive endorphins and is a great distraction. The body strengthens and your system is able to better manage stressors. So go for a walk, bike ride or paddle. Use the dusty treadmill, get in the garden, paint that room. Engaging in physical activity is very beneficial to your mind, body and emotions. Plus you get the satisfaction of checking off an item on the to-do list.
Research has finally caught up to what we know as truth from the Bible and confirmed that regular practice of meditation decreases the body’s response to stress. It allows our body to return to a state of calm much more quickly so we are not perpetual stated of anxiety and stress.
Meditating is an intentional action that produces focused attention and clarity and it’s benefits were written thousands of years ago in the book of Joshua and Psalms
Joshua 1:8
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Meditation traditionally is a dedicated time set apart to focus on scripture that is life-affirming and life-giving. Meditate on it daily and you will be restored. You will build up resiliency; or that ability to bounce back quickly and prevent feelings and thoughts of anxiety.
If you don’t know where to start with meditation I have created a quick tips cheat sheet on how to get started.
You can download it HERE. I also recommend Abide as a helpful tool. It’s a Christian app that has guided meditation on hundred of topics. It’s not a fee app, bu it does offer a free one month trial.
Building in movement and meditation into your life may seem overwhelming. So start small, slowly building your confidence and skills.