Church Mental Health Summit

78: How We Can Demystify Addictions For The Church

Addiction is a sensitive topic to talk about in church for a number of reasons like how it is associated as an immoral act to a sense of judgment or condemnation towards those who struggle with addiction within some church communities.

However, it is possible for the church’s perspective to change surrounding addiction and Conrad Cooper believes the church can meet addicts at whatever point they are by merging recovery with God-aligned tactics because according to the word, we are all promised tomorrow.

As a former addict, Conrad went through a time with his addiction however he believes God delivered him from it and within a year he was able to get clean and set up a recovery center to help others. He graced us with his point of view in this episode. 


We highlighted:

  • The addiction struggle that most addicts tend to go through
  • How Christian based values infused in recovery can play an important role in an addict’s recover
  • Why the church should be welcoming to addicts
  • How recovery centers and the church can work together 


  • God has a plan beyond any crazy picture that is impossible.
  • The church can’t be all things for everyone.
  •  God is doing a new thing.


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